How to make an iOS app for beginners in 5 simple steps


Step 1: Create a New Xcode Project

  • Create a new Xcode project called I Am Poor or any other name you would like to give your app.

👉TIP: Xcode autosaves all your progress every few seconds. You can access the projects again by locating the folder where you saved it.

This is what you should end up with.

Step 2: Add a Label Element from the Object Library

  • Using the Object Library, drag and drop a Label onto the canvas in the Main.storyboard
  • Set the Label text as “I Am Poor” or anything else you wish.
  • Change the Label’s font and font size and colour.
  • Resize to make the label fit the text. Position the label anywhere you see fit.

You might choose a different font or colour but this is an example of what you can aim for at this stage:

Step 3: Add an Image View to the Storyboard

  • Again using the Object Library, find an Image View and drop it onto the canvas.
  • The Image View needs to display an image. You can download a coal image from the course resources page. Alternatively, you can customise your app with an image you have on your computer or something you find from the internet. Feel free to customise the size and positioning of the Image View.

Step 4: Add an App Icon

  • You can either use the app icon images supplied in the I Am Poor image asset folder. Alternatively, you can use your own images and generate all the required sizes using

Once you’ve downloaded and extracted the images from appicon, you can match up the sizes or you can simply replace the App Icon folder.


When you run the app in the simulator, you should be able to see an app icon on the Home screen.

Step 5: Run Your App

  • Feel free to make any other modifications or customisations. e.g. You can add a background colour or some more text/images. It’s your app, design it to your heart’s content!
  • If you have a connected Apple device, you can run the app on your iPhone. If not, you can run it on the Simulator. Remember, the keyboard shortcut to run your app is command R.

Step 6: Show off your work!

I hope you enjoyed that challenge and you’re now familiar with all of Xcode’s tiny buttons in Interface Builder.

I really encourage you to take the opportunity and fully customise the design of your app. Once you’re done and you’re proud of it, post an image or gif of it in the comments section so myself and other can congratulate you on your work!

I’m looking forwards to judging the best designs!

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Vineet Srivastav is the founder of Vineet Geek. He is a tech blogger, developer and gadget freak.

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