
 Kingston®, a world leader in memory storage products and technology solutions, has joined hands with InDeed to create a unique social awareness campaign called #EarthEditionDrives. This campaign imagines Earth as a USB Flash Drive, where Kingston aims to subtly draw attention towards the condition of our planet. 

The campaign revolves around Kingston’s 64GB Limited Earth Edition USB Drive, which represents Earth. Select members from the industry were given a chance to try these USBs to experience it. The question most of them had was: What happens when you plug in Earth? 

Immediately the user’s attention would go to the default flash drive icon that has been replaced with the icon of Earth that is filling up with junk. The drive’s title reconfirms this with ‘Clean Up Before Time’s Up’ – a not so subtle warning about how little time we have

Driving home the point that we are running out of space – a disturbing parallel with real life – the new USB drive is completely full – All 64 GB of it. Opening the drive shows rows upon rows of junk. Except that this version of junk files tell a harsh story of different types of pollution and the garbage it generates. 

By making use of technology in their #EarthEditionDrives campaign, Kingston Technology & InDeed are giving a reality check and making a strong point which every person should consciously remember and act upon. Fittingly, the campaign is called “Earth Edition” as it doesn’t get more ‘limited edition’ than our planet.

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Vineet Srivastav is the founder of Vineet Geek. He is a tech blogger, developer and gadget freak.

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