Telegram launches Group Chat extension for Channels


Telegram messenger has always proven itself way ahead than the other messaging applications in the market when it comes to the user experience. The capability of adding unlimited participants on a Channel and up to 200 million members in a Group are not the only unique features but there is much more to learn about the platform.

Telegram has come up with a Discussion Button available on the Channels where the admins can enable to provide a whole new chat section associated to the specific channel. Usually, it has been observed that official Channels created by the companies, or organisations are the chat restricted ones where only the admins have right to post the latest updates and company related news. No other participants in the channels can actively write, or post some information from their side. 

In such cases, if a specific person would like to add his opinion on a particular ongoing topic running on the platform, they have a way to initiate a discussion on a separate extended group chat attached to the channel. All the messages automatically get re-posted in this chat group once you send a message to the main channel. The concerned authorities can also pickup feedback and queries coming from their users posting on the group chat, and can act accordingly.

This feature additionally allows the participants to interact among themselves, which creates an active buzz around the latest updates provided by the company, and helps to generate pro-active conversations around it. Even if there is a misguided, or wrong information floating around the internet, and your set of audiences are curiously discussing about the same, admins can jump into the group chat conversations to provide the accurate information with higher authenticity.

Steps to create a Discussion Chat Group attached to your closed channel:

1. Admin needs to click on the Top right corner button of a channel

2. Tap on Manage Channel 

3. Select Discussion followed by a button named as Add a Group

4.  Tap on Create a Group

5. Insert desirable Name for your associated group chat forum

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Vineet Srivastav is the founder of Vineet Geek. He is a tech blogger, developer and gadget freak.

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