Beat your Stress, get yourself impress and spread the HAPPINESS


In this pandemic time everyone is in stress, it may be either mentally or physically everyone feels like broken from inside and not only the disease is spreading, the death rates are increasing too. and due to the increase in the spread of virus we aren’t able to go outside.

Everyone is working from home which is an easy task at the beginning but now the people get bored of this too. Now they are mentally disturbed and can’t be able to work with full motivation. So the only way to get out of all these negativities is staying calm and positive and some breathing exercises.

Here are some of the points to get out of this stress.

  1. Wake up early and do some meditation and breathing exercise like “Pranayam”.
  2. Just start something new in which you are interested in like gardenary, learn some new dishes and many more.
  3. Talk with your friends and talk about some new positive ideas like how to change our lifestyle to good lifestyle , how to make someone motivated.
  4. If someone is in stress then talk to him/her and motivate them to feel good.
  5. Do motivate yourself everyday and get back to work , and if not able to do the task then take some tea or coffee break and then continue.
  6. If the task is big break into small parts and set some timelines to complete it according to your capacity.

These are the times we need each other to beat this virus.

So staying positive from inside in these tough times is the only way to keep the virus AWAY.



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Vineet Srivastav is the founder of Vineet Geek. He is a tech blogger, developer and gadget freak.

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